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Fundraising Events & Information : Discover how you can get involved

Annual Charity Cycle

The MMI charity cycle is a two-day road cycling event taking riders across stunning landscape in Ireland. This is the main fundraising event in MMI’s calendar and brings together a range of participants from MMI patients and families, health care professionals, pharmaceutical industry members and the general public. It is an exhilarating, but challenging event, dedicated to raising awareness of multiple myeloma.

This event is professionally organised with support crew, motorcycle outriders, mechanical backup and sports physiotherapists.

Recent Events

Mick Fleming Memorial Golf Classic

A big thank you to all who participated in the Golf Classic.  We are so grateful to all who played on the day, to our Tee box sponsors, raffle ticket purchasers, and all who donated prizes for the event. The amount raised for Multiple Myeloma Ireland was a staggering €7,030! 

Multiple Myeloma Ireland also wishes to thank Tommy Brennan and Martin Kelly for organizing the event. 

Donate to help support MMI

All donations we receive go directly to providing support services and information for those affected by multiple myeloma.

Thanks to the support of people like you we can continue to provide this service free of charge to patients & their families.

If you wish to raise funds in aid of MMI please visit our just giving page